Whether you are looking for a perfectly aligned smile or seeking orthodontic solutions for oral health purposes, we have got you covered. Dr. Carlos Bordador will look at your specific case and determine which type of braces you need. We offer the following at Seven Hills Orthodontics:

  • Clear Aligners: A discreet alternative to metal braces, these transparent trays gradually straighten teeth, and are easily removable for eating and cleaning.
  • Early Braces: Designed for young patients, early braces correct bite issues and guide incoming teeth effectively.
  • Invisalign ® Aligners: A renowned clear aligner brand, Invisalign® aligners offers customized treatment plans, providing maximum comfort and aesthetics.
  • Invisalign Teen®: Looking for something different for your teen? Try this revolutionary aligner option!
  • Retainers: After braces, retainers help maintain the achieved alignment, preventing teeth from shifting back.
  • Same-Day Braces: Offering swift results, these braces utilize cutting-edge technology for a speedy smile transformation.
  • Teen Orthodontics: Help your teen have a straight, healthy and beautiful smile.
  • Traditional Metal Braces: Time-tested and reliable, metal braces efficiently correct various orthodontic concerns.

Learn more about the types of braces we offer by scheduling a consultation with our board certified orthodontist in Henderson, Nevada. Call 702-878-2799 to get started!

Contact Us

Schedule your initial consultation with our board certified orthodontist today to discuss how we can better help improve your smile! We hope to see you soon!